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About sunglasses and what are some important points in cheap ray bans uk choosing the right one

About sunglasses and what are some important points in choosing the right one?Sunglassesthis word conjures up images of people, across all age groups, social strata and nationalities, wearing a variety of sunglasses, from the simplest to the trendiest.Sunglasses never go out of fashion.In fact, fashion and sunglasses are a very unique combination newer designs are seen in both, all the time.Today's generation goes for the looks of these sunglasses.Sunglasses basically serve 2 purposes.They protect the eyes from the harmful uv rays.They proclaim the wearer's style cheap ray ban wayfarer statement as it is also worn as a fashion accessory.Sunglasses are worn for a variety of other reasons too.To avoid eye contact.To hide one's emotions.To hide abnormal eye appearance as in the blind.To hide many disease conditions affecting the eyes like conjunctivitis, black eye etc.To hide eye movements especially in games like poker.Additionally, sunglasses boost one's self confidence and personality, in many cases.Why do we need to protect the eyes from uv rays?Ultra violet rays are one of the causative factors for developing cataract and other vision problems.In addition, the high energy visible(Hev)Radiations or blue light, are absorbed deep into the eyes causing retinal damage and macular degeneration.Also, sunglasses dilate the pupils so it is absolutely imperative that one goes for sunglasses whose lenses absorb 100% of uv radiation.Poly carbonate lenses absorb 100% uv rays.Polaroid sunglasses are another.Always buy lenses or sunglasses of reputed brands to be sure that they are 100% uv absorbing.Even if you are wearing a large hat but are out in the sun, you need sunglasses because uv radiation can be reflected by the water, road, sandy beaches, car windshield glass, etc.Snow and windshield glass can throw back almost double the intensity of uv rays.An optician or an opthalmologist can evaluate the level of uv and visible light radiation that the sunglasses block by using a spectrophotometer.Bronze, copper or reddish brown colored lenses block blue light or hev rays.To enable more protection from the sides of the sunglasses prefer a frame with a thicker temple or a wrap around type of frame.Sunglasses are in fact more necessary for kids for the following reasons.Our eyes get 80% of their total uv exposure by age 18.So it is never too early for kids to start wearing sunglasses.Kids spend much more time outdoors than most of the adults.The eyes of children are more sensitive to uv radiation and blue light.In tropical areas, at high altitudes and in environments where light is highly reflected, like sandy beaches, water, snow etc, sunglasses become all the more important for children, because of the increased uv radiation.Mirror coated lensesthese have a special coating on the outside of the lenses.Thus they reflect a good amount of light back and effectively reduce the amount of light entering the eyes.

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