Articles about blair house
Blair house:Guest room for presidents
September 12, 1994
Is cheap ray bans uk there a blair house jinx?Early monday, while president clinton and his family were staying at the government's official guest house because of renovations to the white house, a small single engine plane crashed onto the south lawn of the executive mansion.The clintons, who were unhurt, had been staying at blair house located across pennsylvania avenue from the white house since returning from their summer vacation last wednesday.It was believed to be the first time a.
Favorite things:Mick de giulio
By barbara mahany february 10, 2013
Mick de giulio could slam dunk the title for mr.High end kitchen.We, however, gave him his toughest assignment of the year:Cough up his own list of must haves including a couple that won't break the bank.Sunglasses:Ray ban design:.
Obamas can't stay at blair house
By john mccormick, tribune reporter december 13, 2008
President elect barack obama and his family may be moving from chicago to washington during the first two weeks of january, after an extended vacation to hawaii over the christmas and new year's holidays.But one place the future first family will not be staying at least initially is historic blair house.The current occupants of the white house have said there is no room at that inn until jan.15.He said he would invite leaders of both parties to gather feb.25.Republican leaders indicated that they would come but that they want to start fresh.Speaking to katie couric of cbs hours before the super bowl, obama said: "What i want to do is ask them to.
By suzanne slesin, new york times news service july 24, 1988
Abraham lincoln was a frequent visitor, harry and bess truman lived there twice and an array of emperors, kings, queens and heads of state have stayed awhile.Without a doubt, blair house is the country's most exclusive guest house.For three years, mario buatta and mark hampton, two new york interior decorators who have years of experience dealing with clients who are plenipotentiaries in their own realms, have been frequent travelers to washington.Their objective:To give the down at the heels residence.
See michelle obama pics
January 16, 2009
A moving experience for first families inauguration day doesn't just signal a change of power in washington it also means moving day at 1600 pennsylvania ave.The obamas arrived in the capital earlier this month to begin settling in and will start their inaugural celebration this weekend, culminating in tuesday's swearing in, while the bushes will head home to texas.
See michelle obama pics
January 16, 2009
A moving experience for first families inauguration day doesn't just signal a change of power in washington it also means moving day at 1600 pennsylvania ave.The obamas arrived in the capital earlier this month to begin settling in and will start their inaugural celebration this weekend, culminating in tuesday's swearing in, while the bushes will head home to texas.
Bye, south side.Hello, washington
By stacy ray ban uk store st.Clair, tribune reporter january 4, 2009
Future first lady michelle obama and her two daughters bid goodbye to chicago's south side on saturday as they flew to washington to begin the family's new life in the nation's capital.Though the presidential inauguration won't be held for more than two weeks, the family moved this weekend so the girls could begin classes monday at their new school.The obamas timed the relocation to coincide with the start of the new semester, a decision that reflects the couple's vow to make the.
Emperor winds up state visit
June 15, 1994
Emperor akihito of japan wound up a visit to washington in a blaze of pomp wednesday before heading to monticello, once the home of thomas jefferson, the president who said all men are created equal.With drums rolling, army trumpeters blowing"Fanfare"And a 21 member armed forces honor guard snapping to attention, akihito and empress michiko were seen off by secretary of state warren christopher.The royal couple paused briefly to shake hands and bid farewell before boarding a waiting limousine in the.
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